Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Finding Your Fit!

Hey there GORGEOUS! Just out of curiosity, how many DIFFERENT types of workouts have you tried? 5? 10? 1,000?

There’s running, yoga, crossfit, group sessions, HIIT, Plyometrics, bodyweight, lifting, zumba, martial arts, sports, apps… I mean seriously, there’s like a million options out there!

Everytime I turn around someone is asking me about a new workout that has just came out. I get it! We’re all different and we all have our picks but with so many options, finding your TRUE style can be complicated.

Well, you can always just try them all and any new plans that come out or you can figure out what suits you, makes you happy, works for you, and stick with it. Because after all, becoming fit is all about consistency and dedication, right?

I have friends, awesome friends, who love to run. I mean LOOOOOVE it… If you’re nodding  like a bobble head and smiling from ear to ear, you’re one of them. Runners amaze me. They just keep going like that little bunny with the batteries. You know from the beginning if you are a runner. It connects with your soul and the rush settles your spirit. My husband, is NOT a runner. He claims he would rather fight a bear than run from one. Yeah, he’s a hot mess anyways.

My mom is a highly certified yoga instructor. She’s incredibably “bendy”. She’s calm and loving and to just be around her is like walking through the park on a spring day. She leaves me feeling so relaxed and at peace. On occasion, I do yoga or Pilates with her and let me tell you, there is nothing easy about it! It’s relaxing yes, but the muscle control is beyond impressive! If you love to stretch and truly connect with all things internal, then I would highly recommend finding a yoga class near you and finding out what it’s all about.

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting… (did you hear the song playing in your head? Bet it’s stuck there for the rest of the day now! You’re welcome.) Ok, so NOT everyone was Kung Fu Fighting, but martial arts are a wonderful way to get in shape and learn some new skills too. I actually took Shotokan Karate for several years and stopped after I belt tested for green at 8 months pregnant. (I wanted to have a drug free labor and knew after baby #1 that natural childbirth would require training. I was also running 3 to 5 miles 3 to 4 times a week during this time too.) I loved what I learned and the discipline of the training.

(*Personal Story* My main reason for taking the class was that I wanted to be able to protect myself. Ladies, sometimes we find ourselves in situations that we didn’t exactly plan for when we wrote out our fairy tale stories. So, I found myself in a less than perfect situation, dealing with things I don’t think any woman should have to deal with. But, I learned, adapted, and grew. You are only one decision away from a completely different life.)

Now, we are to my favorite style!! Weight Lifting/Bikini Bodybuilding/ Iron Therapy whatever you wanna call it. If you love to sweat, lift weights, and see tight and tone start to take over your body, then try this! There are most likely sessions you can sign up for at your gym where you workout with a group of completely awesome individuals. (All of my sessions are packed with amazing people.) There are classes you can participate in regularly. And there are WEIGHTS!! Glorious weights just waiting to be lifted! Don’t know what to lift or how to lift? HIRE A TRAINER!   Bottom Line: Think about your needs. Do you like working out with others or are you a solo kinda girl? What are your goals? Drop a few pounds and tone up? Learn a lifelong skill? Create a healthy lifestyle that is easy to maintain? Do you know what to do? Should you hire a Personal Trainer? Do you want a game plan custom built for you or will an internet workout do the trick? Do you want to workout at home, outside, in a gym, dojo, or studio? These are the questions you need to get clear on. We all want it. We just have to figure out how to get it!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Workout Stuff Pinterest Says I NEED!!!

Who has Pinterest? Who’s addicted to Pinterest? I AM!!!!

When I’m looking for the PERFECT whatever, I go to pinterest! It never lets me down. AND, I can even fine 50 other things to pin that I didn’t even know I needed.

Today, I’m sharing one of my favorite Pinterest Boards with you! GET FIT - It’s all the awesome fitness gear I want/need (the want and need line gets blurry sometimes) as well as motivational saying that echo through my brain.

Granted, you DON’T have to have them… But it sure is nice! I like to use them as rewards for meeting my fit goals. Just knowing that I’m earning something I really REALLY want gives me the encouragement to push through and accomplish. Miranda's Get Fit Pinterest Board

Let me encourage you to start your own Healthy Lifestyle Board and start dreaming it up! "If you can dream it, you can achieve it!"

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Create A LegacyvWorth Passing Down

How many of us have a family history of diabetes, heart disease, or obesity?
Yeah, probably all of us.

How many of us are starting to experience these struggles and conditions for ourselves?  

    I’m a southern girl through and through. I grew up on fried everything and gravy. Why? Because that’s the way mama’s do it here. When your baby has a bad day, you mix up a pan of brownies or cookies and have a little sit down and talk it out. That’s what we know. That’s part of our patterns. These lifestyle has been passed down to us for generations.

Pain travels through generations until someone is ready to heal it in themselves.
By going through the agony of healing you no longer pass the poison chalice onto the generations that follow. It is incredibly important and sacred work.

    We worry constantly about the world we are leaving to our children. Politics, morals, & values… Why not start at home? Why not worry about what IS within our control?

    What habits are you passing down to your children? Are you fueling them with good nutrients or feeding them whatever is quickest? How do you eat? Is food a crutch that you overindulge in after a stressful day? I mean seriously mama, what example are your providing? Little eyes are watching.

    Now, I know we’ve all started “workout” programs before. Or said we were going to start walking, or whatever. In my life, I’ve started 100’s of exercise programs. Just to quit a few weeks later (if it lasted that long). I totally get it.  But, have you ever showed your babies how NOT to quit? How to work for something and not stop till you achieve it? How to push through the discomfort, and push towards becoming your BEST SELF? Well?

Feeling a little stuck? Want to break some patterns? Change things up so you pass down some habits worth passing along?

I love this quote by Emily Marontian:
“You’re not stuck.
You’re just committed to certain patterns of behavior because they helped you in the past.
Now those behaviors have become more harmful than helpful.
The reason why you can’t move forward is because you keep applying an old formula to a new level in your life.
Change the formula to get a different result.”

    There it is. You want a different result, change your formula. Why? Because you want quality! You want your health. You want to FEEL what it’s like to be your BEST SELF! You want to be that example for your kids. You want to be the mom your babies deserve. You want to set healthy lifestyle patterns in place NOW so that your babies NEVER have to feel your struggles and pains. You want to leave a legacy worth living for your kids and grandkids! I GET IT!! ME TOO!!

Alright Mama, it’s time to put an end to any negative habits or patterns in your family’s history. Be the one who rises up and changes things!

    Here are 5 quick tips to get you started this week!
  • Plan & Prepare a healthy dinner at least 3 nights.
  • Get in at least 3-30 minute workouts, walks, or active play time with the kids.
  • Swap out Tea and Soft Drinks for water.
  • Instead of sugary/salty snacks loaded with fats and carbs, make a healthy snack with your kids this week.
  • Trade fruit juices for real fruit.

These are just the tip of the iceberg though. If you want my FREE downloadable of Healthy Swaps, direct message me your email address and start making some SERIOUS changes for you and your family.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Well Bless Your Heart...

     Hey darlin' girl! Lord have mercy, what a week it's been. We had spring break and the kids were gone so that left me to keep myself busy and bless MY heart, what a feat that's been.

    So what did I do? I did a pile of group sessions and private personal training sessions this week. Not to mention, I got in some KILLER workouts this week!
     I have been asked a dozen times this week about my fitness journey. When I first started 3 or so years ago I took a lot of heat. In the south, everyone has an opinion and by God you're gonna hear it.

      I definitely hit some walls with individuals and their opinions when I first started. I was told it wasn’t lady like, I wasn’t being a good mom, I was being selfish taking time away from my family. However, over time, the voices get quiet. I don’t know if they realize I was right and being true to me or if they’re just scared of me now… Either way, I’ve always enjoyed the quiet. Baby girl, you're gonna have to set a few fires and climb a few mountains to see what you're made of and show the world what you've got. Going to the gym was something I fell in love with. There were times in my life when I felt like I wasn't strong enough to stand up for myself and I had to deal with some pretty bad things because I didn't have a voice. I let people take that from me. I let others dominate me and belittle me and break me down to a point that when I look back and I think about that broken girl, I look at how she picked up the shattered pieces of herself and started putting them back together. I may have scars and I'm soooooo not perfect, but by God, I got up and I rebuilt and I started moving forward and haven't stopped yet. That's what makes those people who like to destroy us nervous. When they watch you hurt and the feel the power they have and then to watch as you get up, dust off, and give em' that wild eyed smile. You know, the one that asks "Is that all you've got?" Once you realize what you bring to the table, you won't be afraid to eat alone. You owe it to yourself to get up and get moving. Whatever struggles you are facing, you are more than enough to overcome.    Baby girl, anytime you start to move forward, there will be people there waiting to throw out their opinions and cut you down at the knees. That’s just the way it is and for that I’m sorry and I love you all the more for doing what you’re doing. It’s not easy and some days it just sucks. You’re going to wanna throw in the towel and walk away. Know that those days ARE coming and there is one opinion you can’t escape and actually matters. YOURS. Train the quit outta you and finish strong.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Finding YOU!

  Hey boo!! Sometimes you gotta just do you! You're a busy mom and wife. You have a full time 9-5! When do you have time to do you? I know right! It's down right impossible to fine "ME" time. I mean dang, I can't even pee without someone calling for mama or Mrs. Teston. Yes, my students have literally stalked me to the teacher restroom before and knocked on the door just to ask me a question. (3rd grade) Do the kids get to watch their favorite cartoons or play their video games? Does the hubby have time to sit in his chair and scroll FB or research his next home improvement project? Then, you should have some YOU time. Do SOMETHING to BUILD yourself physically! Take a 30 minute walk, do a home-workout, go to the gym after work BEFORE you get home, do an online yoga class, join in a ZUMBA session. Whatever fits your fancy! Just do something physical and get those endorphins going! While your running kids to and from extracurriculars listen to YOUR music or a podcast. Turn off the radio and read a book. Listen, I've ran kids to and from for years, rarely does practice ever end when coach said it will. Heck, I was a coach and I set a time for "pick up" just to ensure parents would be there to pick up their kids when practice was really over. Sorry, I was that coach... But hey, look at the bright side, this time can now be you time! When the walls start closing in, GET OUT!! Go play in the dirt or flower beds, grow a garden, or pull some weeds. In the south, we like to go ride dirt roads and shoot the breeze. Go for a walk around your neighborhood. Or maybe even take the kids fishing. Just get some fresh air. Drop everything and JUST GO! You were made to do awesome and amazing things! Know that, believe that, and live that! Consider the fact that you are one choice away from a completely different life! That’s because good choices (and bad choices) tend to be like dominos! No body is waiting around to do it for you. Empower yourself make positive choices for your mind, body, and soul.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Career Juggler to CEO

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys… OH WAIT!! Yes They Are and Yes It Is! You wake up, hit the floor running, and don't stop until the day is done. Face it, you are the ringleader of your circus and you better be one tough mother! My circus includes an ADHD lion, a new driving clown, and one heck of a trapeze artist! IMoms have to schedule the daily shows, manage the sideshow acts, main events, and keep a strong routines. Ladies, we are professional jugglers and if we show up without our A-Game on, everything comes crashing down. Mom-ing is hard! We have hectic schedules! We have to run carpools, remember snacks for game day, plan meals, find time to love on the hubby, and we still need to make a minute for ourselves too and that's not even the tip of the iceberg. I get it! I'm the mom of a squad! So, how do we climb the mom life ladder from circus juggler-hanging on by the skin of our teeth, to running the show like a CEO? We get our lives straight and get organized! A few years ago, one of my dearest friends gave me a planner for my birthday. GAME CHANGER!! I started by just jotting whatever was coming up down. Dentist appointments, haircuts, bill due dates, fieldtrips, birthdays, meetings at work, etc. So that went pretty good... But with so many acts to keep straight in my circus I decided to start color coding. Dark Blue represents events and meetings at school, Green = kid events, Light Blue = Holidays/In-Service Days; Red = Birthdays/Anniversaries; Purple = my more personal events like workouts and date night with my Love. Then, I started using the daily breakdowns to keep up with meal planning. This helps me create a grocery list every week. It's so simple and it makes sure I never drop a ball. By doing it this way, I have time to check the pantry and fridge at home before I go shopping to make sure I don't purchase something I already have too. Let the process grow in whatever direction it takes you. Just get organized!! When we live like a career juggler it's not a matter of "if" we drop the ball, but rather, "when" we drop the ball. When we start living like a CEO you run the show instead of the other way around. You have time to breathe, find balance, and take that bubble bath! Wanna upgrade? Hit me up and let's get your life straight.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

On Your Mark! Get Set! WAIT!! WHERE'S THE STARTING LINE!?!?!

     Hey Boo! I see over there with all your BIG fitness dreams and goals! Trying to figure out how, where, & what to do, go, and get. It's HARD! You have GOALS!!! You KNOW where you want to be and you're ready to go full speed!! Yeah you are! But dang if you can't figure out where to start and the path YOU need to be on! It SUCKS! I been there, that was me 100 times over. I knew what I wanted, I was ready to GO! But, I couldn't find the starting point and eventually the desire faded because it was just too dang hard. Ten pounds later, desperate to try again... Yep... It sucks! 
     Yeah, there's a lot to consider and figure out. It's not an easy process! It takes CHANGE. Humans follow patterns. Our patterns predict where we go and what we accomplish or don't accomplish. In order to change where we are, we have to break patterns CONSISTENTLY. Watching what you eat once a week is not consistence. Well, I guess it is consistent in a way but it won't work. Eating healthy for 1 month WILL NOT get you where you want to be. I'm sure you're current desire to change didn't come from one month of negative choices...
     Breaking patterns involves constant tweaks and solid dedication. You have to want it. I mean, like get your head right and make up your mind that nothing is going to stop you. You are a freaking MAC TRUCK without breaks! You are going to accomplish EXACTLY what you set out to do. You're either ready or not. There is NO half way with this. It's time to GET A PLAN AND GET TO IT! Get over the idea of "I want to loose weight here" or "I want to tone up here." This is a WHOLE body deal, my dear.
     Abs are build in the kitchen. We've all heard it and it's true. Most of our health habits are built in the kitchen too. We just eat. We eat what taste good. We eat as much as we want. We grab just a handful of chips; every freakin' time we walk into the kitchen and at the end of the day we feel like crap because that's the majority of what we've eaten all day! Girlfriend, you are what you eat. DON'T BE FAST, CHEAP, OR EASY! Yes, I've said it before and if you hang around you'll hear it again. Break your nutritional patterns!
     The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. The most powerful patterns to break are in your mind. We've all had those people in our lives that belittle us, mistreat us, abuse us, play with our insecurities and emotions. Sugar, I've been called a lot of things in my life, some nice, some not, some deserved, and some not. But at the end of the day, none of that matters because I define who I am. It took me a lot of hurt and a long time to get there but once I realized what I brought to the table, I wasn't afraid to eat alone. Get a backbone, stand up, and define who you are!
     I know where the starting line is. Let me show you not only how to find it but how finish strong as well.